Christmas! The favourite festive season that is the favourite of many. Also known as the “Christ’s Mass”, it’s an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Gifts are exchanged and the joy of giving is celebrated throughout the globe. However, Christmas might not be only about the good food and the presents we receive.
This year, I am spending the Christmas season in Shanghai, China. In this city, there are many migrant children who moved here with their parents, be it in hope of a better life in the city, or merely to follow their parents who are looking for job opportunity. However, just like any other cities in the world, discrimination and inequality is very much present. Job opportunities are not equal, neither was the education system in Shanghai. Being from the rural areas of China, these children were not allowed access to the funding and support provided by the government. As a result, these migrant children are having difficulty pursuing their education. As part of a team of 15 people taking part in Project Stepping Stones II, I’ll be spending most of December and Christmas here in Shanghai, trying to do what we can to tackle this problem. We’re geared up to visit primary schools where these migrant children attend and conduct English lessons for them over a course of several weeks.
Many might point out that with a mere 15 people in the team, there are limited children we can reach out to, and minimal effect will be achieved. Contrary to that belief, we believe that acts of kindness and the joy of giving achieves a ripple effect. Change begins with a single step. While the teachers in these schools might not have proficiency in the English language to teach the children effectively, we do our best to correct their mistakes and teach them basic grammatical rules and structure.
In the past twenty two years, I have spent Christmas in Singapore, revelling in the good food and the festive spirit in the city. I enjoy myself thoroughly annually, spending it with my loved ones. This year, being able to be in Shanghai and doing my part for a meaningful cause, reminds me that Christmas is not just about enjoying and gifts. The spirit of giving is more than just about gifts. There are many who need our help, and if we have the ability to do it then we should play our part. Also, we do not have to wait for Christmas to start giving. These problems exist all around the globe, in all communities. Alone we might not be able to solve all the problems in the world, however if everyone puts in some effort in solving such problems and volunteer for community service projects, it serves as a wonderful tool to improve the lives of many.
So this Christmas, are you really giving?